Hello and thank you for taking the time to look at my website! Please click on the images below to see them in their proper proportions. Work can also be found at Art Gallery Prudencia in San Antonio Art Gallery Prudencia (prudenciagallery.com) , and Helotes Gallery in Helotes, Tx. https://www.helotesgallery.com Have a wonderful day!
Also, click here for print options: Shea Daniel-youngblood Art for Sale | Fine Art America
*For whatever reason, some emails are not coming through to me or back from me via the contact form. If you have tried to contact me and have not received a response, please email me directly at shea.danielyoungblood@gmail.com
Artist Statement: As a painter, I'm looking to tell the story of a subject as its being experienced. I want to convey the relationships, interactions, intersections, and connections I am privileged to participate in and bear witness to for a brief moment in time.